Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash (Hai to Gensou no Grimgar)


This is the only thing the youth of Hai to Gensou no Grimgar remember before awakening in an unknown building in a medieval landscape enshrouded in darkness.

The group of strangers is told that in order to make a living, they would have to join the Reserve Army forces to keep the town safe from nearby monsters. The stronger looking people form a team to join the Reserve Army and depart, leaving Manato, Haruhiro, Ranta, Yume, Mogzo, and Shihoru to fend for themselves. But how will they get by if they can't even defeat the weakest of monsters?

My Opinon: The anime is pretty faithful to the original LitRPG novel. Especially in the art style department. Still, I enjoyed the novel more. The story doesn’t focus as much on action as other LitRPGs but more on group dynamics and the effect of living in a fantasy world would have when you still only have one life, no respawns. There is no “official” translation of the novels or manga so linked to a couple of fan translations.

Score: 7 out of 10.

Anime (Ongoing)

Novels or Mangas

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash: Light Novel Vol. 1 

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash: Light Novel Vol. 2